Garscentria is a unique blend of concentrated liquid garlic and essential oils designed to be sprayed or fogged for the treatment of mosquitoes, ticks and crawling and flying insects and against browsing nuisance animals. All components are EPA FIFRE 25(b) Exempt. This broad spectrum solution can be used anywhere. Safe around pets, no aquatic toxicity, no pyrethroid restrictions. Mix 10oz per gallon for spraying and full strength for fogging. GRST-64 1/2 gallon bottle of Garscentria liquid.
Unique Blend of garlic concentrate and essential oils
Can be fogged or direct sprayed
Safe around pets
No aquatic toxicity
EPA 25b exempt
Immediate knockdown of flying insects
Effective on mosquitoes and ticks
Product is applicable for the following pest types: Beetles, Mosquitos, Ticks